Been Away So Long!

My oh my. I had no idea I've let my blog go for so long! It was certainly visions of grandeur that led me to believe I could manage being a home-maker, mom of two, affectionate wife, caregiver to an ailing parent AND manage a blog regularly. There are those who are able to juggle all of those roles, and then some, with grace, finesse and an acutely neurotic effectiveness. I am not one of them. Add to that a chronic illness that leaves me, at times, barely able to rise from bed and you see how mine is a life of periodic effectiveness.

Much has happened in my household: my littlest is on the verge of turning 2; my eldest is now a second-grader; my Mom has managed to move out on her own! Meanwhile, as I've posted on my Facebook page, I've had numerous friends ask me if I'd consider writing a blog. Hee Hee... Little did they know, right? I sheepishly confessed to each one ownership of a blog that's at least a couple years old.

I suppose my under-lying lack of commitment this far has been the conviction that I really ought not think of myself more highly than I ought. I mean, really: writing about MY mundane ins an outs of life with the presumption that others care to read about it?

But then there's an aspect of wanting to lend a helping hand. I know thousands of people have their blogs that trip the light fantastic about thriftiness and creativity. I'm not so sure what will set myself apart from all those other creative, thrifty (and witty) bloggers. But I'll do my best. I'll start touching on more than my craft endeavors: food, cleaning, health. And, maybe by doing so, I'll hearten and/or inspire others in similar scenarios.

So, all this to say, I am going to attempt an exercise in self-discipline to post more regularly here at Blogger. Let's see if I can say true to my word!

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