So, yesterday I posted a picture of a lovely rug I found via Pinterest. Much to my dismay, while the link redirected me to VivaTerra's web-site (with all of their gorgeous home decor), the rug was nowhere to found. I love the crochet motif of the rug pattern, so it seemed only natural to make an attempt at coming up with a rough imitation. Ever since I saw the rug, visions of it on my craft room floor danced in my head. I set to work in creating an easy-to-remember/easy-to-work pattern for the motif.
It took me most of my Wednesday to come up with something that wasn't complex, laid flat on the bottom, joined easily to each other, was dense enough to withstand foot traffic and 3-dimensional enough to show off its floral traits. Whew!
So today I have the first of my motifs, in my own colorway, connected together in the beginnings of my own 'Mum Rug' (as I'm calling it). They aren't precisely the same as the original, bur I'm excited with the early results and am eager to see how this is going to work up!
I think I stated it in my last post that, if this attempt works out okay, I just might be motivated to create another one for my girls' room... It certainly is seeming to be a fairly quick and easy piece.
The yarns I had in my stash. |
The very beginnings of my attempt at my "Mum Rug", inspired by a rug originally offered on the VivaTerra web-site. |